Del Corazón
Brand strategy, visual strategy, naming, brand identity and package design for a new line of Latin-inspired cuisine.
Del Corazon is a new brand of Latin-inspired frozen cuisine with an ever-expanding variety of appetizers, side dishes and entrees.
Ultra created the brand name ‘Del Corazon’ which means ‘from the heart’, which is symbolic of the values the brand shares and the purpose it serves as a way of bringing families together.
Ultra articulated the brand’s passionate voice, unique brandmark and proprietary package design for this 12 SKU portfolio.
With little external consumer communication support, the package design needed to work extra hard in the frozen aisle to ensure stoppability in competitive category and shoppability within the product line itself. The packaging needed to pop through the fogged-over freezer doors amidst a sea of frozen entrees and appetizers.
The brand’s newly established brand identity, persona and visual strategy has created strong foundational brand building blocks to ensure future growth and expansion.